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Plz be nice , I am stupid

5 months ago


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    5 months ago
Or someone just talks to you and you cant understand what they are saying, even though there are words you recognise. Never sure if I'm the one having the stroke or they are. Happens to me often around here. Lots of people with poor English and bad pronunciation and non English accents

    5 months ago
One time in math class during the last year of high school the teacher asked me to go to the board to solve a series of exercises and I was so bad I knew literally nothing and what happened was that all the other students started giving me right and wrong answers and I wrote anything on the board listening to them while the teacher was completely disappointed and questioned his whole life and so for nearly 20 minutes I completely "sabotaged" the class while all the students were laughing and it ended when the bell rang to announce the break.

    5 months ago
This is me trying to learn JavaScript.

    5 months ago
Happens to me.. my hearing is not good after decades of listening to loud in-ear rock and hiphop music.. im like lil jon when people talk to me.