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Wonder how many times you have experienced this, women with crocodile arms acting as if they are going to pay at least for their own half but then use and abuse the man on a financial basis... In my 20s and 30s I've seen this every time I was on a date, now I only pay for myself

4 months ago

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    4 months ago
When I was 16 my brother's girlfriend invited a 17 yo friend over for a night out. She was OK looking but didn't say much. We end up splitting up - me & her together & my brother & his gf went somewhere else (their way of trying to get us to hook up).

She suggests we go to this Chinese restaurant. I had some money on me but nothing crazy so I ordered a menu that was just within my budget including drinks.

As the evening progresses she casually drops the fact that she has no money on her in the conversation. It dawned on me she expected me to pay for her meal as well. I nearly freaked out - stupid me hadn't anticipated this & I had no cell phone & no bank card.

She saw I was nervous & confessed I didn't have enough money for us both & she sighed and admitted she DID have money on her. I was baffled - why had she lied? Turns out, she just wanted a free meal off me and wasn't really interested in me.

Yes, fun night out ... thank you brother's girlfriend.

    4 months ago
A friend of mine once invited me for a friendly coffee(she had a bf), and when it was time to pay, I said to the cashier that I'm paying for my coffee. My friend asked who's going to pay for her, with slightly posh and offended manner. And mind you, she ordered a lot of stuff. I repiled that she's gonna pay herself I guess, cause it was her who invited me, she has a job, we're here as friends, and I'm not her bf so I'm not obligated to pay for her, so I don't see a reason why would I. She went batshit angry on me, yelling that she has no money and what she's going to do now. I told her that's not my problem and went my way. And for the record, if she asked beforehand if I could pay for her cause she had no money I wouldn't mind, I often pay for people, even for friends. But doing me dirty like that, no way. Also, I've been on many dates in my life, and maybe like 3 girls asked if it's ok that I pay for them when I said that coffee is on me. So moral of the story is: never be a simp.

    4 months ago
Classic dinner date scam. In tinder an attractive woman easely can fill up her calendar with dinner dates for an entire week, less then an hour. She say, this, and that place is super nice, and the "nice guys" invite her. She do not have to do anythig, just smile, and listen. After the date, (and the guy took the bill) they say goodbye to each other. Few hour later, she send a message, "It was nice and shit, but she do not feel the spark / wibe but it was good to know you"
Tomorrow, next dude.

    4 months ago
Why are you idiots going to restaurants on first dates? Go out for coffee, make her dinner or something inexpensive and simple. It's to see if you have chemistry, if so then progress but with a understanding. Women like this are complete red flags and are trash.

    4 months ago
Pro tip lads: ALWAYS go on a cheap / free occasion for a first date.

Try a walk in the park with coffee, a day trip to a museum or perhaps something quirky like a boardgame cafe.

If she is the one or at least someone you want to spend money on in the future, she will not mind any of these things.

Only freeloaders and parasites want an expensive first date.

    4 months ago
I don't mind paying, I really don't. But if I saw a girl do this when the bill arrives,I will only pay half.

Fkn insulting.

On first dates in my experience, some girls ask me to split the bill,which is nice. I keep it classy and pay.

The really pretty ones never pay or even flinch when the bill comes. That's pretty standard.

Every time I date a pretty girl, I always dread it because it is so hard to keep them. The maintenance is just too much and the expectations these days is a joke.

Finding a slim pretty girl with traditional standards is a pipe dream