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5 months ago


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    5 months ago
I'm a geezer. Been married over 55 years. I'm far from perfect but my wife accepts me as I am. I'm amused as how many comments say, "If you don't get along, split!" Any time you're going to spend hours and hours a day together, year after year, there are adjustments to be made on all sides. You learn what upsets the other and you refrain from that. You learn what makes the other happy and you try to do more of that. You think less about yourself and more about the other person. The white hot passion always cools down so try to make sure that the warm affection is there to replace it.

    5 months ago
It's sad tho that almost everybody got way too comfortable with going "oh there's a mild inconvenience, you better fuck off"

    5 months ago
The trick to a perfect marriage...

Don't be assholes.

    5 months ago
Too broad of a statement. If you have to put more energy into maintaining a relationship than you get out of it (in the long term, obviously), yhen yhe healthy thing to do is to separate. Not to just try harder.